Ideas to Use for a Corner Fireplace 

Ideas to Use for a Corner Fireplace 

The home is where the heart is, as the age-old adage goes. Generally speaking, you are given free rein to design and retrofit your property as you see fit. From the furnishings you put into the showpieces shown, every detail matters in the grand scheme of things. Case in point, it is key to be meticulous here.

The same idea can be applied to installing a fireplace in your home. The instant visual of a fireplace brings about a feeling of comfort and familiarity. The location of said fireplace will also matter.

Some folks place them in the centre of a space, while others opt for the corner. If you want to be inspired, use the following to decorate the latter.

Idea #1: Type of Fireplace

When installing a fireplace, a general rule of thumb is deciding on its location. As mentioned, many homeowners keep it front-and-centre inside their chosen space or in the corner for a contemporary visual effect.

More important is the type of fireplace you choose: gas or electric fireplaces. Both types have pros and cons, and they may depend on the corner you eventually choose.

Always prepare beforehand and know which type may suit your preferences more. It is the job’s hardest part, but things can get rolling after this aspect!

Idea #2: Size 

An extension of the previous point concerns the actual size of the fireplace. Since you aim to install it in the corner, you want to ensure enough space is present. The last thing any homeowner wants is to purchase their new fireplace only to realize it does not fit in their targeted area.

Keep things relatively simple and rudimentary for a corner fireplace. The resulting visual will still be the same, though smaller than anticipated. This is separate from your overall vision! Rather, it will make things look sublime after all is said and done.

Idea #3: Accent Lighting

You may be surprised to hear this, but fireplaces on their own should only count for something other than your primary lighting source. Instead, ensure you have secondary lighting sources to maximize the potential of a corner fireplace. These accent lighting apparatuses can do wonders for the visual you are trying to create.

For example, you could start with string lights above the corner fireplace. String lights add a bit of familiarity to the space, which adds to the overall comforting feeling you are after. Moreover, many different types of lighting sources can bring their advantages.

Idea #4: Shelving

Since you are putting your fireplace in a corner, a mantle may not be on your mind. As a result, it is better to consider using shelving as a replacement. Floating shelves look incredible on top of a small fireplace in a corner.

These shelves should be manageable in length and able to house a few items. Personable accessories will do the trick regarding what items to place here. Experiment with your designs, from framed photos to pieces of art.

Idea #5: Plants

The sight of nature in any living arrangement can be quite a visual feast. With this in mind, consider adding some potted plants near the corner of your room. Once the space is properly lit, the overall visual will look incredible.

These plants can be artificial or real, depending on preferences. To complete the look, keep one or two near the corner fireplace. If you want to keep real plants inside this space, ensure they are watered and kept fresh now and again. The feel of the corner fireplace should be protected from plants that do not look as lively as they can be.

Idea #6: Experiment

At the end of the day, like any other aspect of interior design, your corner fireplace look is bound to evolve. You want to ensure your tastes match this look and feel, as it may have grown stale in previous years. Thus, do not be afraid to try some new things every blue moon to ensure your room makes the corner fireplace look optimal.

The best part about redesigning a space in your home like this is that there is always potential. It is your home when all is said and done: ensure your comfort is maximized in this room!


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