9 Guidelines to Maintain a Healthy Digestive System

Remaining healthy has to do with what you consume and the care you take of your body. To feel and look your best, including an adequate digestive system, take the time to consider your lifestyles choices and how you can change them for the better.

The digestive system is crucial for your body’s functioning because it is how your body gets the nutrients it needs to operate properly. If you don’t take care of your digestive system, many problems can occur that will impact every aspect of your life. Below is a list of nine tips to improve your digestive system’s functioning resulting in better health overall.

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7 Most Common Symptoms After Miscarriage

Miscarriage is the unexpected end of a pregnancy within the first 20 weeks. It occurs when the fetus or embryo is unable to survive independently and dies naturally. Miscarriage is the single most common complication early in a pregnancy. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) estimates that 15 to 20 per cent of pregnancies will end in miscarriage, but some research suggests the rate is even higher. Rates of miscarriage increase with a woman’s age. Many miscarriages occur before a woman even knows she is pregnant. The risk of miscarriage is highest within the first trimester and 80 to 90 per cent of miscarriages occur within the first 13 weeks of the pregnancy.

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7 Common Flu Symptoms and Their Characteristics

Who likes the flu? Nobody. You would never wish it on your worst enemy. Heck, you would even prefer to go to school or work than stay home and endure the torture of the flu. Once the common flu symptoms kick in, all you can do is get your boxes of tissues, bottles of water, chicken noodle soup, and fresh sheets – it is going to be a rough 48 hours!

When you have the flu symptoms, hygiene is of the utmost importance. There is one thing your hands are constantly touching: your inventory of dirty tissues. You do not need to wash your hands every five minutes, but it would be a good idea to still wash your hands throughout the day as to avoid spreading your germs to common household items, such as the channel changer, the laptop, or your smartphone. As you would any other time, turn on the hot water, apply your soap, and rinse. You can even rub your hands with sanitizer!

There is no single cure of the flu, not even the flu shot is 100 percent infallible. There are ways to adapt, including having the knowledge of what to expect and how to mitigate the unbearable agony of the flu. Here are the seven common flu symptoms and their characteristics:

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Fertility Treatments: 3 Questions on Every Couple’s Mind

Deciding to seek out fertility treatments can be a scary thing. When your partner and you have tried to conceive naturally and things haven’t worked, the best thing to do is be tested for whatever is causing your inability to do so. After that, a professional will be able to determine the best course of treatment for your fertility needs.

In-vitro fertilization may be a valid option for you. It is one of the most commonly mentioned fertility treatments in media today and for good reasons, but it may not be right for everyone. This simple guide will help you decide whether or not it’s time for you and your partner to consult a professional about IVF treatment plans.

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4 Natural Ways to Treat Your Seasonal Allergies

An allergy may be triggered by touching certain things, inhaling irritants like pollen, or eating certain foods. For certain susceptible individuals, these can trigger an allergic reaction due to a hypersensitive immune system. Hay fever is seasonal, however, being constantly exposed to triggers could cause the symptoms to last year-round. Using natural methods can help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.

Let’s explore what some of these natural treatments are.

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4 Guidelines to Purifying Your Home Water Systems

Did you know that around 60 per cent of the human body is water? Water is essentially what we are made of, what keeps us alive, and big part of what allows us to live with the degree of comfort that we do. You probably put a lot of thought into the food you eat, the products you use, and getting enough sleep and exercise, but when was the last time you considered the quality of the water you drink, cook with, and bathe in?

Recent studies estimate that the average human needs between two to three litres of water a day to maintain optimum health, that’s up to 21 litres a week and over one thousand a year! If you’re going to putting something into your body in such large quantities, you want to make sure that it’s safe, high quality, and free from harmful materials and sediment.

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8 Tips to Get Your Kids Excited about the Dentist

To instill good oral habits in your children, it’s important to get them comfortable with visiting the dentist early on. Often, getting children to brush their teeth, floss, and sit in the dental chair can be frustrating and challenging. With these tips, you can ensure your kids get excited about the dentist and their oral health.

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8 Best Teas for High Blood Pressure Treatment

High blood pressure is a common health problem affecting millions of people across Canada and the rest of the world. It isn’t something to ignore either.

When the blood pressure remains high, it can cause damage to the eyes, heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. These complications of uncontrolled blood pressure usually occur over several decades, so it will not spring up overnight. To reduce the complications of high blood pressure, patients are usually prescribed blood pressure-lowering medications, which have to be taken for life.

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9 Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a state of physical and psychological symptoms that are caused by the apprehension of something that is perceived as a threat. The symptoms and their gravity can vary greatly from one person to another, but even mild anxiety can be difficult to deal with.

If you are frequently experiencing fear, irritability, concentration problems, or insomnia, you might have anxiety. The following coping mechanisms for anxiety could change your daily life:

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11 Common Causes of Teenage Depression

Persistent feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in activities are just two of the ways that teen depression is exhibited in the population. No doubt a serious mental health problem, teen depression affects the way a teenager thinks, feels, and behaves in addition to negatively impacting one’s emotional, functional, and physical capabilities.

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