9 Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety Symptoms

9 Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a state of physical and psychological symptoms that are caused by the apprehension of something that is perceived as a threat. The symptoms and their gravity can vary greatly from one person to another, but even mild anxiety can be difficult to deal with.

If you are frequently experiencing fear, irritability, concentration problems, or insomnia, you might have anxiety. The following coping mechanisms for anxiety could change your daily life:

1. Learn more about anxiety

Learning more about your anxiety, and about anxiety in general, should make it easier for you to cope with your symptoms. Read some insightful articles on the topic of anxiety, and try to figure out if your anxiety is triggered by a particular object or situation, or if it seems to come out of nowhere.

If you can find a cause for your anxiety attacks, it could be easier for you to find the best coping mechanisms for anxiety.

2. Make a list of steps that could help you overcome your problem

If you can find a cause for your anxiety issues, you might want to make a list of a few actions you could take to try to overcome your problem.

If, for example, you get anxious whenever you know that you will have to speak in public, you could start by reading articles about why so many people share the same fear. You could take a class that will teach you how to become a better public speaker, and you could first practice your new skills in front of a few friends you trust.

3. Make a few changes to your lifestyle

Changing your lifestyle could help you cope with your anxiety. If your current job is the cause of your anxiety, don’t hesitate to quit and to look for a better one.

Getting more sleep, eating a better diet, making new friends, trying out new hobbies, or establishing a daily routine are all examples of things that could help you deal with your anxiety, and perhaps get rid of some of your symptoms.

4. Avoid drugs and alcohol

Many people try to cope with their anxiety by drinking a lot of alcohol or, even worse, taking drugs. While it’s true that drugs and alcohol can help you feel better for a moment, over time, they will only make your problem worse.

When you constantly rely on drugs and alcohol, your brain and your body will keep wanting more and more because they will not be able to practice better, healthier coping mechanisms for anxiety.

5. Try some relaxation techniques

Yoga, meditation and deep breathing are relaxation techniques that can help us manage stress, but they can also help those who struggle with anxiety.

Listening to soothing music, taking a hot bubble bath, cuddling with your pet, reading a book or talking on the phone with a good friend are other examples of things that you could do to help you relax whenever you are feeling anxious. What matters is that you find something that works well for you.

6. Do some exercise

Relaxation can help you cope with anxiety, but exercising regularly will make you become better at managing your symptoms. Anxiety symptoms are often worse for people who are sedentary.

Playing a sport, going for a long walk, trying out jogging, or taking dance classes will encourage you to move, and will improve your physical health as well as your mental health.

7. Create positive memories

People who struggle with severe anxiety are often tempted to stay home because it helps them minimize the risks of having an anxiety attack. However, going out and having some fun can have many benefits for someone who is dealing with anxiety.

Traveling, visiting local art galleries, or simply trying a new restaurant with a friend will allow you to create positive memories. When you feel anxious, focusing on these positive memories could help you relax and feel better.

8. Write down your thoughts in a journal

Keeping a journal to write down your thoughts can help you cope with your anxiety. When you start feeling anxious, sit down with your journal and write how you are feeling, and the thoughts that are going through your head.

Doing this can help you let go of the things you are worried about, and since your thoughts will be detailed in your journal, your brain might be able to focus on something else.

9. Ask for help

If you have tried a few things to manage your anxiety, but nothing is working, you should consider asking for help. Talk to your doctor or to another healthcare professional, or join a self-help group in your area. If you are feeling shy, you may prefer using telemedicine services, which work by offering telehealth care virtually.

There are different resources and treatments available for people who struggle with anxiety, so don’t hesitate to ask for some support if you feel like you are not able to manage your anxiety on your own.


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